jr johansson

I’ve been waiting for months to tell you about this…

Hello and happy Monday, my friends! Thanks for stopping by! I’m happy to be starting this week by sharing some fun and exciting news I’ve been sitting on for WAY too long over here.

First, I have a shiny new website! Feel free to pop around to the different pages and check it out. It’s been a lot of work getting it all ready, but I have so many amazing things coming up in just the next week I feel like I might explode from the sheer excitement of it all.

Now, on to the even bigger news of the day! A revised version of Insomnia that includes a bonus chapter from Addie’s POV will be releasing next week! It is available for preorder right now by paperback here and ebook here and there is more news coming on Friday! If you’d like a signed copy sent out to you, there is a way to do that from now through the end of the year over on my new Patreon account.

And even better…it has an INCREDIBLE NEW COVER! I’m very excited to finally be able to show you the amazing that is this shiny new version of INSOMNIA:

Cover by Melissa Williams Design


Seriously…I am so so happy with it. I love how it actually keeps the shattered glass element from the original but highlights more the dark and tortured aspects of the story.

What do you think of the cover? Are you excited for a new bonus chapter from Addie? Do you prefer mashed potatoes or stuffing? Comment below and tellllll meeeeee!!

And for those celebrating, have a Happy Thanksgiving and check back on Friday AND Monday for even more incredible news!