jr johansson

Spring 2020 YA Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! On this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 120 hours!

Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are SIX contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the BLUE TEAM–but there is also a red team, a gold team, a green team, a purple team, and a pink team for a chance to win a whole different set of books!

For my post, I am hosting the wonderful Amber R. Duell! Her book, WHEN STARS ARE BRIGHT, is described as a historical Thumbelina retelling with a touch of magic. That sounds awesome, so I’m really excited to have her here! Amber R. Duell is a young adult fantasy author, Navy wife, mom of 2 awesome boys and a co-host on the live-broadcast show, Young Adult Edition. Red Bull keeps her kicking.

For her bonus material, she is revealing which of the characters from Thumbelina tie to which of the characters in her book, so scroll down to see that information below! From what I understand, she did extensive research of 77 different thumbs in order to make sure her book was historically accurate!All of the characters in Hans Christian Anderson’s Thumbelina are represented in When Stars Are Bright. It was so much fun giving everyone a personality and fleshing them out! If you’ve read my retelling and want to confirm your suspicions, or haven’t read it and are curious, here’s a list:


The Fairy Prince—Christian (his name is also a nod to the author)

Jacquimo (the sparrow)—Nik

Mr. Toad—Walter

Mama Toad—Irena

The Beetles—the Nova Troupe

Ms. Field Mouse—Augustine

Mr. Mole—Chamberlain

That’s really interesting! Thanks for stopping by, Amber! You can find out more info by checking out her website here or you can order your copy of WHEN STARS ARE BRIGHT here!

Continue the hunt: The next stop on the Scavenger Hunt is over with the awesome Courtney Brandt! Thanks for stopping by and happy hunting!